Monday, April 11, 2011

Slow Cooker Garlic Chicken

I like the texture of chicken that has been cooked on the bone. I think it tends to be a bit more moist. Here I have cooked 2 chickens. Each was 5, 1/2 lbs. I managed to get them both into my 7 quart crock pot. I let the meat fall off the bones and cool. Then I put 2 cups of chicken per ziploc baggie and throw them in the freezer. I include the dark meat, too. You can't tell when you use it in chicken crouissant sandwitches, enchiladas, or soups!

Have all your ingredients out and handy so it is a clean and quick process!

Clean and pat dry your chicken. I am assuming you are cooking just one.


1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp garlic salt

Rub your chicken with:

4 TBL room temp butter

Take 6 cloves of garlic and slide them between the skin and the breast meat. You may need to use a knife to get the slit started.

Cover the chicken in the salt rub you made earlier.

Place in crockpot. No added water! Cook on low for 10 hours.

If you cook 2 chickens then make up two separate rubs and use 12 cloves of garlic. Also cook it for about 11-12 hours. (I had to reset my timer for a couple hours and just kept an eye on the clock)

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